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5 tips to keep your blood pressure in control

High blood pressure is also known as ‘Silent Killer’ as it may not show any symptoms and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney failure, etc. Maintaining healthy blood pressure is most important to prevent stroke & cardiovascular diseases.

Living with high blood pressure? If so, you’re not alone. The good news is that high blood pressure can be treated.

Here are the 5 tips to keep your blood pressure in control. In order to take your health back, try incorporating all tips into your lifestyle.

1. Walk & Exercise Regularly

Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day of moderate intensity, such as brisk walking, biking, swimming, or dancing. It helps control your weight & lower your stress levels, which can help control your blood pressure.

2. Reduce your Sodium Intake

Lowering the sodium intake is important because it increases your blood pressure, Ideally, stay under 1500 mg a day, but aim for at least 1000 mg per day reduction.

3. Add more potassium to your diet

Potassium controls fluid balance in the body and relaxes the blood vessels which in turn reduces blood pressure. Fruits like bananas, melons, oranges, apricots, avocados, and leafy green vegetables are rich in potassium, include it in your diet.

4. Cut back on Caffeine

Caffeine raises your blood pressure, but the effect is temporary. If you’re caffeine-sensitive, you may want to cut back on your coffee consumption or try decaffeinated coffee.

5. Find ways to reduce stress

Stress affects everyone and long-term stress can harm your health.

Finding ways to reduce your stress is important for your health & your blood pressure. Try stress-reducing activities, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or watch a comedy.

Monitoring blood pressure at home is essential to prevent stroke & cardiovascular diseases. 

Keep your Blood Pressure in the Green zone with EASYCARE Blood Pressure Monitor.

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